Hitesh Gorana bio photo

Hitesh Gorana

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science. On the Move.

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Work Experience

• I worked as the Machine Learning Engineer in Fusion Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd, India, from 2020 to 2021, focusing on Computer Vision and Route Optimization.

• I am currently working as Machine Learning Engineer in Obbserv, India, from 2021, focusing on Computer Vision, Natural Language processing and MlOps.


• I am graduated with a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Techno India NJR Institute of Technology.

Honors and Awards

• I had won a good number of awards in Kaggle contests, including SIIM-ISIC Melanoma Classification and LANL Earthquake Prediction

Computer Skills

• I could program using Python, Go/Golang, and R, which are listed in a decreasing order of proficiency.

• I learned Python in 2019 and I think it is the most beautiful programming language. I use Python for most of my machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science studies.

• I don't know much about HTML/CSS language. I made my website based on others' templates, and revised them using my programming common sense and Google foo.


Hindi is my mother tongue.

• My English is proficient.

You can also download my resume, my full CV in PDF or visit my LinkedIn. Last updated on 7/11/2021.